So it's been about three weeks since my birthday and I thought FINALLY I would write about my party and my birthday lunch.
So Thursday was my big one six I didn't do anything special that day but I got my present from Kyle and he got me the Paramore cd I wanted and my three favorite candies, swedish fish, sour patch kids, and red vines. David came over that day for dinner and we had stir fry and cookies for my birthday.

Friday was the day of my party, I'd invited everyone and they knew when to come so Stefanie got there around 6ish but my party wasn't supposed to start till 7 so she was helping me but she was dealing with her own family/friend issues so she wasn't too much help. But then Kyle got there and I gave him a hug and so we went inside and he met my dad and so we were just hanging out and then Stefanies mom got there right as my mom got there so Stefanie left and my mom and step dad got there. A lot more people got there and so the party started. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I had so many friends to celebrate me turning 16.
Saturday we woke up and we got ready to go to PF Changs for my family birthday lunch. I love going there and its always so much fun. So because it was my birthday I got a special drink. The name of it was something Missionary because it was non alcoholic. But we told our server that it was my birthday and we didn't think he was going to do anything about it but he gave us a free dessert, so I got a really chocolatey shot glass looking thing

So all in all I had a great birthday...s lol because of all the parties and all the different things I had.