Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooking Dinner

As most of you know I live with my dad and so most of the time I make dinner for us and David if it's his week to be here. So tonight I made a new dish, I made soup and corn bread. It was really good and it didn't take me all that long to make everything. The first picture is of the corn bread after I made it, I just got a mix from Walmart and it turned out really good, and the second is the soup, the lighting in the kitchen and the fact that I used my phone does nothing but make it look funny but it was good. You can see that from my face.

New Moon

So last week on Thursday I went to an advanced showing of New Moon!
It was awesome, I went with my best friend Sidney and we drove up to Thanksgiving Point to where it was being shown. It was a really crowded place and we really didn't know where to go but we figured everyone in line was everyone that was going to see New Moon. I've never been to the first showing or anything before so it was fun getting to experience that.

As for my review I thought it was amazing, it was so much better than Twilight. It was so much fun being in a room of more than a hundred women and them ALL loving the Twilight Saga as much as Sidney and I do. So all of us women oh'd and aw'd when Jacob is that. Yes I am still Team Edward but this movie ALMOST made me want to switch sides, ALMOST.

That's for my review!