Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Time

I'm really a bad blogger, I like reading everyone elses but I never update my own. So this summer has already been jam packed. I took out a wall at my moms house, stayed a week at my mom's while my dad was on a business trip. I hardly had time to watch tv at my mom's she worked us to the bone!

I went to Seven Peaks in Provo with my friends Sidney and Angela. I got sunburnt on my shoulder and my nose, my dad called my mom that night and told her my nose was HALF beet red. I got to take my dad in for his Colonoscopy and I got so bored, I finished one of my books, played games on my iPod touch, ate my snacks, watched some of the world cup that one of the other people in the waiting room turned on, then finally I was able to see my dad and take him home, but not before getting Costa Vida.

So that's been my summer so far.