Yep that's right I graduated from high school! Although I was upset I had to wear my stupid foot boot which I got during Finding Hardwick, which is another post for another day, but I was still happy nonetheless that I got to graduate.

I got a whole new outfit and I didn't even pay that much for it because I bought it at Savers! It was awesome. So we had the graduation ceremony and I had told my parents to meet me on the floor where the graduates sat so that we could take pictures with my cap and gown on and then I could give my gown back and get my actual diploma, but as soon as the ceremony was over they said all the graduates should get off of the floor and I was starving so I think that had something to do with it haha but I left the floor and gave my gown back. So after I did that I found my dad and David and then we found Tedi and Chase, and boy was Tedi upset I didn't have my gown on anymore. she was like you need to go and get your gown back. I was scared to ask the guy but I did what I was told and got a gown to take pictures in outside.
After we were through getting pictures taken I went and gave the second gown back. and then I took some pictures with my friends Tyler, Sidney, and Annie. I heard about this afterwards but Chase my BIL was taking pictures of us with his camera and Tyler was standing next to Sidney and he said "Who's that guy in the white shirt?" And Sidney said " I don't know, just some guy." So they thought some creeper was taking pictures of us! When in fact it was my BIL.
When we were done at the Events Center we got dinner at PF Changs and I was STARVING. I had hardly eaten anything that day because I had to go shopping with my mom for my jewelery to go with outfit. Though I don't remember but I"m pretty sure I didn't have lunch that day, but maybe I did, I can't remember. So after PF Changs I went home got my rental car and then drove over to my moms to get changed and then I went to the ALL NIGHT PARTY!
So that was my experience with high school graduation! Yeah I'm done!