Thursday, November 6, 2008
Drivers Education
I started drivers ed on November 3rd. Which means I have to be up at 5:00am or before which is what I do, so for one of our assignments we had to watch an intersection for an hour and check mark everything I saw. I didn't want to do it by myself because how would it look for one girl to sit on a corner with a lawn chair hot chocolate and tons of jackets and a notebook on her lap? So three other girls in my class and then our friend who's taking drivers ed in the summer came with us for moral support, I say that's a friend because it was FREEZING. We all froze our butts off but while we were sitting there checking everyone who was doing something wrong. But one of the girls I was with her brother and his friend came to the intersection we were sitting at and his friend shouted "I'm not wearing my seatbelt! I don't have my signal on, AND I'm talking on my cellphone!" so we got to check three more things because of him. He was nice, I didn't realize who it was until we got back to my friends house who he was. He went to prom with my sister! So later that day I was texting my sister and she asked if he remembered who I was and I said "Tedi I was in 5th grade I dont think he'd remember me". So back to the intersection we were sitting there and we were all cold and then two really cute guys stopped at the light and they waved at me! So all us girls waved at them, which was a distraction yes but they didn't crash. So after we were done for an hour we went back to my friend Alex's house and we added up all the stuff we had, we found 78 people on their cell phones or they were texting. So don't talk on your cell phone in your car unless you have like a blue tooth or hands free and always ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. Because you dont know who could be watching and most accidents happen within 25 miles of your home so be sure to wear your seat belt
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fashion show!

For young womens we got to have a fashion show, FASHION SHOW FASHION SHOW FASHION SHOW AT LUNCH!(Kelly from the office). So the Saturday before we got to try on dresses, oh dear I LOVED my dress I may have to borrow it for prom if I get asked. The picture is at the Swains house when I tried it on. There was a GORGEOUS purple Belle dress but it didn't fit :( . I wanted it to fit so bad, but it didn't. So Wednesday comes around and I put on my dress again and it fits but I can barely fit it was so weird I think it might have been because I ate right before I got to the church. But that Saturday I tried on dresses for Stefanie because we thought we were about the same size. So at the Swains house I was trying on dresses for myself and Stefanie. While I was trying on them there was this really cute black dress that I thought was Stefanie's style and it fit me but when Wednesday rolled around and Stefanie tried it on it didn't fit her. I felt so good about myself, I know thats kind of mean but I've never been smaller in size that she's been. They finally found one for Stefanie and we learned how we were going to do our walk. I was thinking to myself I've got this, I watch Americas Next Top Model and Project Runway I've got this lol. But in all reality I suck at cat walks lol I just tried to look normal and be myself. I think I looked HOT in my dress but ya thats all about the Fashion show!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Senior Dinner
So my friend Alli mentioned that i haven't written anything for awhile so I'm going to talk about the senior dinner we had for young womens tonight. So we had to be there at 5:30 so we could help set up and so i was putting table cloths on the table and then i was just hanging out till i had to do something else. Then Alli and I started to be OCD and make sure everything was perfect on the tables but just the silverware. Sometimes we had to fix EVERYthing because someone did it wrong and there were like two forks together. Thats not good, so we fixed it. After that we had to go into the primary room to practice singing and after that we wrote names on cards and our leaders came in and told us that this dinner wasn't about us it was about them and making sure they were comfortable. After we had written the names on cards Alli and I had to place them on the tables and we just "magically" happened to be on the same table. So we finished putting the cards on the table and then we sat down. And we waited and waited and waited some more and like no seniors sat down with us at all. It was sad. So Alli's dad asked us to go sit at another table so we sat down and were talking to the seniors that were sitting at the table we were out and then we got to eat! It was really good we got pasta and salad and really good bread and Alli and I and one of the ladies at our table got seconds and no one else at our table. After we were finished with that we helped pass out ice cream after we scooped and put cookies in them. Man were those cookies good. I need like a can of those things. But after we ate our ice cream at a different table i might add because one of the young men came late so Alli and I moved to Ang, Jared(But he left), Ely(I think thats how you spell her name), and someone from Young Mens. While we were eating the Young Men did a skit and it was really funny and then we sang a song and then we cleaned up and then Alli gave me her blog and then i went home
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Saturday August 23rd
I realized that I haven't written a blog in a while and I remembered I haven't written about hanging out with Kadee and seeing 'The Dark Knight'. So Kadee didn't have to work that day because she switched so we were texting around 11 and she was saying she was bored and didn't have anything to do so I asked my mom if she could come over and she said yes so I told Kadee to come on over and so she got there after she had to call me because she was lost. So we're hanging out in my room and we were like oober bored so we asked my mom if it was okay if we left and we could so we did. We got to the mall around maybe 12 and we were hungry so we had to decide and we couldn't figure out what so I said I wanted Panda Express so we got some. We ate and then I had to go shopping so we went around the mall. It was about 2 when we were done and so we decided to sit on one of the couches and were bored. We waited until 2:30 before we went into the theater. We totally forgot Kadee had her car so we could go out there and listen to music. So we got to the movie theater and I saw some of my friends and they didn't invite me to the movies with them. How mean. But we watched the movie but getting a drink at Panda was a bad idea i had to go to the bathroom SOOO bad so i like ran out of the theater and like booked it to the bathroom and hurried so i wouldn't miss anything. After the movie we were going to hang out with Kadee's friend Nicole but Nicole wasn't going to get there till 7 and i had to be home by seven so we went and hung out at Kadee's dad's house where i finally met her brother Cory. Kadee had told me before that Cory thought i was annoying so i told her dad that and I think i may have gotten him in trouble but Kadee and I played Call Of Duty 4 and so ya that was pretty much my day with Kadee lol
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday July 21st
Chelsie and I started hanging out around 11. We played some Rock Band, Sims, and ate lunch. We went to the park around 2:30 after we picked up Christan. We were suppost to hang out with KT but she couldn't come forever. We waited forever. So we were playing on the Kindergarden playground which has a teedertotter. We got thirsty so we walked across the street to Ream's because we were at Brookeside Elemetry. We saw our friend Jesse who works there and we bought drinks. I got Vitamin Water, and Chelsie got I can't remember, but she'll probably get mad at me because I can't. But then we went back across the street and we decided we'd go on a little tiny walk over to our friend Sami's house. Then we walked back and Sami came in her car. But then she said she couldn't stay she had to go to Wal-Mart then to work. So we walked over to Reams again and got gum. After that we went back to Brookeside and sat in the shade and told cop stories lol. Then KT said she couldn't come yet STILL and I had to go home so we're driving over to my house and then she texts us and says she can hang out after we're going over the train tracks. So they took me home and went and hung out at KT's and were going to go to the movie without me. So I called my mom and asked her if I could sleep over there so I could go to the movie and not wake up my dad. So my dad and I drove over to my mom's and my parents started talking and then KT called and said they were at my house so I walked outside and I thought I was going to see KT, Chelsie, Christan, in a car. Wow was I suprised when I saw her car FULL of people. There were 6 people in her 5 person car and I STILL had to get in. I had to lay on top of everyone. That was scary, I was everyone's seat belt. We got to Little Ceasers and got pizza two pepperoni and one cheese.

Put those in the trunk and we had to get back in the car we decided it would be easier to put two people up front so we weren't as scrunched in the back. We still had to have someone on our laps and so off we went to the high school. We parked in the parking lot and we went to the tables they have by the Arts Park and everyone ate but me because I had already eaten. But then we got really thirsty so off to Reams did we go. It was all the girls which was only Chelsie, Kt, and I. We got tons of water and then we got another drink for just us girls. We parked in the parking lot of the Arts Park instead of the high school so we didn't have a long way to walk. We got our blakets and walked into the Arts Park. There was a dance recital type thing before the movie started and we were kinda watching it but then the girls went to the bathroom and then went back. So after the recital ended the movie was going to start and they're like you can't be loud or disrupted or the police will escort you out. So we decided to stay at the arts park but go over to the actual park and were laying on the blankets. So two of our friends that were with us who i didn't know are wrestlers and one of them named Keaton had a blanket over his head and so he couldn't see so his friend Tyrell jumped him and tackled him to the ground so Keaton went and tackled Tyrell and i was kinda in the way so Keaton hit me in the leg with his elbow. It hurt for a second and then it was fine. I couldn't see it because i was wearing pants that i can barely pull up past my calf. But when i changed that night i saw a HUGE bruise on my leg. But anyways we just hung out basically that night. Oh and the picture is of the pizza that got ruined by Keaton.

Put those in the trunk and we had to get back in the car we decided it would be easier to put two people up front so we weren't as scrunched in the back. We still had to have someone on our laps and so off we went to the high school. We parked in the parking lot and we went to the tables they have by the Arts Park and everyone ate but me because I had already eaten. But then we got really thirsty so off to Reams did we go. It was all the girls which was only Chelsie, Kt, and I. We got tons of water and then we got another drink for just us girls. We parked in the parking lot of the Arts Park instead of the high school so we didn't have a long way to walk. We got our blakets and walked into the Arts Park. There was a dance recital type thing before the movie started and we were kinda watching it but then the girls went to the bathroom and then went back. So after the recital ended the movie was going to start and they're like you can't be loud or disrupted or the police will escort you out. So we decided to stay at the arts park but go over to the actual park and were laying on the blankets. So two of our friends that were with us who i didn't know are wrestlers and one of them named Keaton had a blanket over his head and so he couldn't see so his friend Tyrell jumped him and tackled him to the ground so Keaton went and tackled Tyrell and i was kinda in the way so Keaton hit me in the leg with his elbow. It hurt for a second and then it was fine. I couldn't see it because i was wearing pants that i can barely pull up past my calf. But when i changed that night i saw a HUGE bruise on my leg. But anyways we just hung out basically that night. Oh and the picture is of the pizza that got ruined by Keaton.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
1. As a comment on my blog, write a memory that we have had together and it doesn't matter if you've known me a little or a lot.
2. Post these instructions on your blog to see what kind of comments you get. If you have left a comment I will assume you are playing and I will visit your site.
2. Post these instructions on your blog to see what kind of comments you get. If you have left a comment I will assume you are playing and I will visit your site.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Beach
On August 2nd my family and I all my siblings and my dad are going to Maryland. We have to leave our house at 3:30 am to get to the airport in time. That means ALL of us are going to have to wake up super duper early. Hopefully no one will wake up my little brother until RIGHT before we leave because he'll be a grouch. All of my family is very excited about this vacation, its the first time my older brother has been back east before. Well he's been east but the farthest he's been to is Florida, that was for his mission. We're excited to see it from a person who's never been there befores perspective. We're excited to show him everything we go to all the time. Like The Old Post Office, the museums in Washington D.C., and finally New York City. Where we can see our cousins Eric, Max, and Jaden. But the best part of going on vacation will be having Chase go on the 9 hour car ride with us. But whenever we drive down to Pawleys Island, SC we get to eat at Waffle House for breakfast both ways. I just hope we don't get on each others nerves too much, we have to spend 2 whole weeks together every single day. But one of the most fun parts is having everyone meet Chase for the first time.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Stake Dance
So Chelsie and I went to the Mapleton/Springville Regional Stake Dance last night. We went to the last one in June and that one was lame so we thought this one would be better. We got there and we felt so out of place. I looked around and I knew NO one. So we finally went into the dance and we found some of Chelsie's friends from UBW. I met some new kids from the high school. But I didn't dance with anyone. Well first because no one asked me and secondly because I had no one I really wanted to dance with. But I got to see my friend Tyson and he gave me the BIGGEST hug known to man kind. Well because both Chelsie and I thought the tennis court was borning so we went and sat on the tables they have there. We wanted the swings but they were taken so as soon as the other people got up I ran to the swings and Chelsie just walked over. We "Hogged" the swings. So all in all the most fun of the night was swinging on the swings and playing on the playground.
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