Chelsie and I started hanging out around 11. We played some Rock Band, Sims, and ate lunch. We went to the park around 2:30 after we picked up Christan. We were suppost to hang out with KT but she couldn't come forever. We waited forever. So we were playing on the Kindergarden playground which has a teedertotter. We got thirsty so we walked across the street to Ream's because we were at Brookeside Elemetry. We saw our friend Jesse who works there and we bought drinks. I got Vitamin Water, and Chelsie got I can't remember, but she'll probably get mad at me because I can't. But then we went back across the street and we decided we'd go on a little tiny walk over to our friend Sami's house. Then we walked back and Sami came in her car. But then she said she couldn't stay she had to go to Wal-Mart then to work. So we walked over to Reams again and got gum. After that we went back to Brookeside and sat in the shade and told cop stories lol. Then KT said she couldn't come yet STILL and I had to go home so we're driving over to my house and then she texts us and says she can hang out after we're going over the train tracks. So they took me home and went and hung out at KT's and were going to go to the movie without me. So I called my mom and asked her if I could sleep over there so I could go to the movie and not wake up my dad. So my dad and I drove over to my mom's and my parents started talking and then KT called and said they were at my house so I walked outside and I thought I was going to see KT, Chelsie, Christan, in a car. Wow was I suprised when I saw her car FULL of people. There were 6 people in her 5 person car and I STILL had to get in. I had to lay on top of everyone. That was scary, I was everyone's seat belt. We got to Little Ceasers and got pizza two pepperoni and one cheese.

Put those in the trunk and we had to get back in the car we decided it would be easier to put two people up front so we weren't as scrunched in the back. We still had to have someone on our laps and so off we went to the high school. We parked in the parking lot and we went to the tables they have by the Arts Park and everyone ate but me because I had already eaten. But then we got really thirsty so off to Reams did we go. It was all the girls which was only Chelsie, Kt, and I. We got tons of water and then we got another drink for just us girls. We parked in the parking lot of the Arts Park instead of the high school so we didn't have a long way to walk. We got our blakets and walked into the Arts Park. There was a dance recital type thing before the movie started and we were kinda watching it but then the girls went to the bathroom and then went back. So after the recital ended the movie was going to start and they're like you can't be loud or disrupted or the police will escort you out. So we decided to stay at the arts park but go over to the actual park and were laying on the blankets. So two of our friends that were with us who i didn't know are wrestlers and one of them named Keaton had a blanket over his head and so he couldn't see so his friend Tyrell jumped him and tackled him to the ground so Keaton went and tackled Tyrell and i was kinda in the way so Keaton hit me in the leg with his elbow. It hurt for a second and then it was fine. I couldn't see it because i was wearing pants that i can barely pull up past my calf. But when i changed that night i saw a HUGE bruise on my leg. But anyways we just hung out basically that night. Oh and the picture is of the pizza that got ruined by Keaton.
You are SO crazy! I remember when I was younger and how the boys all acted immature, and we all were crazy. Can you believe that I actually did that? :D HA! Love you sis!
lol sounds like you had fun.
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