Because yesterday was Tedi and Chases anniversary and they wanted a "kid free" weekend my mom decided to have Hurley stay with us because David and I were going to be there.
On Friday my best friend Sidney texted me and said her parents were going to their cabin they have but she didn't want to go so she asked if she could stay with me. I called my mom and asked her and she said it was okay so later that day I went and picked her up.
Friday night Sidney and I were the only kids home because Dave wasn't back from Scout Camp yet and Tedi and Chase weren't having us pick up Hurley till Saturday.

This picture is from Sunday when Hurley was laying under the table and soaking in the sun.
Saturday Sidney, Michael, my mom, and I all went to yard sales for a couple of hours then they took us home so we could go pick up Hurley. Sidney and I met Tedi and Chase at the Provo Mall and then the fun started. It was weird trying to drive while having a puppy in the car with me. We made it home and Hurley got all settled in playing with Sam. The family that was home (Sidney, Michael, Mom, and Me) ate lunch and then we were going to go to a free sale but we saw the Scout trailer up the street so my mom went and picked David up and he went inside and showered because he needed it. He was gross, he hadn't showered in two days (which is a lot for him), he was sunburnt and his nose was really peeley.
Saturday Night Sidney and I went over to her house to get ready for the stake dance which is the reason she stayed home. We thought that the dance was formal so we had all these skirts and dresses picked out and then we found out it was casual. So we got ready and had dinner at her house. We went to the dance and we left early because my feet hurt and Sidney's back hurt.
We had to go back to her house to clean up the big mess we made and when we were walking around her house to get to the back door we noticed the downstairs light was on and we kind of panicked so she was carrying a knife around with her while we looked through the house. That night was bad because guess who slept with me, that's right Hurley. He curled up on the cot with me and I had little room by my legs.
Sunday we just hung out had brunch and got ready for church, but we were late so we got to sit in the very front row which wasnt as bad as most people think it is. Also before Sidney and I went to bed we tried learning the Singles Lady dance that Kurt does in Glee.

Monday we hung out again till Mom got home from work and then we went over to my dads and gave Hurley back to Tedi and Chase.
This picture of Hurley is before we took him home. We made him so tired.
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