So for Thanksgiving this year we went back east to Maryland! Its my parents old stomping ground, and that's where my sister was born too. It was my Dad, David and me. We were there for a week, we left the Saturday before and left the Saturday after.
We got to the airport about 8 and got through security and such without too much of a problem. And no I didn't have to go through a full body scanner, SLC only has one and we weren't in that line. Before we got on the plane we got lunch and then we got on the plane.
On the plane they showed the movie "Salt." I didn't like it that much, it didn't keep my attention and it was kind of boring. We got to Maryland around 4 EST. We got to Fredrick about 5 530 and so on Saturday we just had dinner and hung around my uncles house.
Sunday we went on a hike out at Monocacy battlefield. And after that I needed to just relax so we just hung around Fredrick again. We also went to the Here Kristna Temple Virgina and we made a special trip for me to see the Washington DC Temple (Where my parents were sealed). It's kind of funny because we didn't need to make a special trip because every day after that we saw the Temple!
(This is the best picture I could get of the temple from my phone while we were driving down the belt way)

(This is the best picture I could get of the temple from my phone while we were driving down the belt way)
Monday we went to DC and we went to the Air and Space museum for a little bit then we went to the Post Office for lunch. On our way to the Post Office we passed by the National Museum of Art. I've wanted to go to an art museum for awhile, but I knew my dad wouldn't go with me to it. And David definitely would not go either. I wanted to go to get some culture and see an art museum besides the Springville Art Museum.

The pictures above are all from the Air and Space museum
The first picture is the closet I could find of a gas mask, its a Doctor Who episode
This totally surprised me, I talked to my dad and asked him if I could go to the museum by myself, and he was a little hesitant, but he let me! I felt very odd going by myself because I'm used to my dad taking the lead and guiding us, so doing something by myself for a change was an odd thing. I left my backpack checked in and just took my wallet and phone with me around.

The first picture is the closet I could find of a gas mask, its a Doctor Who episode
The place is HUGE. I sort of did a full scan of the bottom floor and barely got to the second level in that one afternoon. Some of the paintings and sculptors were odd. There was this one that looked a kid I know so that was funny.
( This is of the ceiling above where the fountain is)

( This is of the ceiling above where the fountain is)
That night we had dinner with my Aunt and Uncle who live in Tacoma Park. Which is right by the "border" of Washington DC. It was a great dinner, which was very simple but it was great. I love having relatives that are vegetarian like me and my dad.
(don't mind the picture being a little messed up, T-mobile was having issues, i got a picture from Tedi that was a little messed up.)

(don't mind the picture being a little messed up, T-mobile was having issues, i got a picture from Tedi that was a little messed up.)

Tuesday we went back to DC. This time we tried to go through the capital but it was just David and I and I couldn't figure out how anything worked and I didn't like leaving my dad. But we got off the metro stop at Union Station and there was the biggest shoe I have ever seen in my life! It was outside just because of a shoe sale in the Station. After we tried to go to the capital we went to the Native American Museum for lunch because my uncle we were staying with suggested it. It was really good. So after that David and Dad went back to the Air and Space and I went to the East part of the Art museum which is more contemporary and new. I went through that building pretty fast because there wasn't too much art. So I had heard from my relatives that there was a walk way between both of the museums. I had yet to see it but I went down to the very bottom level of the East building and I found it! Just to clarify it was a walk way but there was a book store and a restaurant in there too.
I called my dad and let him know where I was so he wasn't worried and tried to look at all of the art in the North end of the West building, still there was SO much art. That night we were able to do to one of my favorite restaurants Panera Bread. It was great.
On Wednesday we kind of just took it easy. We had lunch with my dads friend Steve at an all vegetarian Chinese restaurant. We kind of go all out when we go there and everything was really good. Also that night we went to my cousins Belle and Joey's house for a cousins night only and we had pizza and we played a game that was really fun. It was like pictionary and legos combined.
I love this picture, the because my little "nephew" Hurley is now in the Priesthood :)

Thursday was the big event, the reason we were there in Maryland, Thanksgiving. I decided this year I would pace myself and not completely pig out and make myself sick. So I decided to eat a light breakfast and just let myself eat a lot.
Because we were going to have a van full my dad asked me if I would drive down with my cousin McCamie who was leaving for Miami the next day to make room in the van. I did and I had a great time chatting with her.
Dinner was great, I paced myself and I didn't eat as much as I thought I would. The tofurkey was delicious too.
Friday we went to Wonder book and then Gettysburg in Penn for the day because it wasn't that big of a drive. So we spent some time there, we saw the movie and my uncle bought me a book because I had run out, I had read all of the 5 or 6 books I had brought with me on the trip. We went and hiked on Little and Big round tops and then we got fries at McDonalds and then headed home.
Saturday we packed some and then we went to Antitem with my cousins John and Alexandra and we hiked there a little bit but not as much. Then it was almost time for us to leave for the airport so we headed home packed and then we headed to the airport.
We got there in plenty of time to sit in the skydeck and just watch the planes. I kind of wanted some Starbucks so my dad gave me some money and i went on a quest to find and retrieve starbucks.
I noticed that from my walking around that security was kind of crazy and there was a lot of people so when I got back to my dad and David I told them how crazy it was and so we sat there for a few minutes and then we headed to security. After we got through security we got dinner and then went to our gate and waited for what seemed like forever to get on the plane.
That plane was one of the funniest I've ever been on, everyone had their own screen in front of them and you could watch a variety of movies tv channels and you could even play games! So the plane ride didn't seem to be too long. Then we finally were back in UTAH! I loved it except for the snow and cold. But my mom picked us up and then we finally got home!
I know this is a really long post and kind of boring but I like documenting my experiences.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Man! no pictures! I'm upset, and heart broken! Weren't you supposed to take pictures for me!? :) :)
Did you go to the Art museum that was the spiral? The hirshorn? I think? Cause I'll be honest, I didn't like that museum, but liked the one that had a divinci painting in it.
Glad you had fun! :)
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