As most people know I got into a car accident 6 months ago. Well I had chest pain for the first couple of weeks maybe a month. But up until about a month ago I didn't have any problems but now I'm having chest pain. So my mom took me to the doctors and we found out that I either have excess cartilage in my sternum or I have a crack in my sternum that is still healing. Also if my chest doesn't stop hurting in the next couple of weeks I have to go see a specialist. Which I'm not looking forward too because I'm pretty sure my chest isn't going to stop hurting any time soon.
That's just an update on the crazy thing I call my stupid chest.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
What's Up with Guys?
So as you guys know I'm waiting for my friend Ryan while he's on his mission. He's been out almost 5 months and he's in Minnesota. Well I have a new friend who's name I won't put here but I'll put his nickname I gave him. It's Pony Boy, because he's a boy who likes ponies. I wish I was making this up.
Anyways PB knows I'm waiting for Ryan and PB is waiting for his best friend to come home so he was giving me some tips on how to wait. Yeah a GUY was telling me how to wait because I was kind of sad this one day and really missing Ryan and I was talking to PB and he was telling me all these things I need to do like, keep myself busy (which I am I'm taking 15 credits this semester and next semester check!), Go out and have fun (um I went to a girls night the week before so check!) and I can't remember what else but I was thinking is he REALLY telling me how to wait?
Then this last week he was asking me what Ryan is like so I told him and PB says "I approve" Umm sorry buddy but I don't need your approval. Ryan and I will decide if it's right for me to wait, not some random third party.
So all in all I'm hating guys, they just aren't as up to snuff as Ryan. Its making me wish that the next 19 months go by fast.
Anyways PB knows I'm waiting for Ryan and PB is waiting for his best friend to come home so he was giving me some tips on how to wait. Yeah a GUY was telling me how to wait because I was kind of sad this one day and really missing Ryan and I was talking to PB and he was telling me all these things I need to do like, keep myself busy (which I am I'm taking 15 credits this semester and next semester check!), Go out and have fun (um I went to a girls night the week before so check!) and I can't remember what else but I was thinking is he REALLY telling me how to wait?
Then this last week he was asking me what Ryan is like so I told him and PB says "I approve" Umm sorry buddy but I don't need your approval. Ryan and I will decide if it's right for me to wait, not some random third party.
So all in all I'm hating guys, they just aren't as up to snuff as Ryan. Its making me wish that the next 19 months go by fast.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Breaking Dawn Part 1 SPOILERS!

As always I went to the premiere of Breaking Dawn. This time it wasn't just Sidney and I like it usually is, Sidney had us go with some of her coworkers. First off i didn't know these girls and I was a little bit worried about it. So we were supposed to meet at 530 but I was meeting at our friend Asia's house and it took me forever to get there and then it took forever for us to get to Orem and then we got to the girls apartment and then she said she needed to go to her parents house and get the tickets which I thought was dumb because they were just sitting in her apartment and could have gotten the tickets earlier....anyways. So we started following the car in front of us but they went to fast and the car in front of them which we were supposed to follow too went through a light that they shouldn't have because then we all got lost.
So we called one of the girls and she told us to just meet at the Macy's at the Orem mall and we'd meet there. Well Sidney, Asia, and I were STARVING so we RAN into the mall to the food court then RAN back to Sidney's car so we could follow them. Well they didn't really wait for us so we just left on our merry way to the theater. While we were on the high way we were over by Pleasant Grove and American Fork and this high way patrol man was on the high way too. We made sure not to pass him but then he went all crazy, he turned on his lights (no one in front of him FYI) and drove from one side of the high way to the other getting us to slow down. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Sidney and Asia think it might have been that the clean up crew was almost done so he slowed us down so we wouldn't hit the accident.
Well we finally get to the theater. With next to NO help from the girls we were supposed to be following because they didn't know where they were going! AND the movie was starting so to say I was a little upset would be an understatement. We decided right then that the three of us would be going to the second half by OURSELVES!
I'm going to now make a list of things I thought were good, cheesy, and things that got me confused.
GOOD (in no particular order):
- Jessica's speech
- How they made Bella look while she was pregnant.
- Showing Jacob imprint on Renesme
CHEESY (in no particular order):
- The wolves "talking" to each other
- All of the jokes were mostly cheesy
- The fact that Bella and Edward were playing chess because of the cover
- The wolves phasing before winter. I've read a book series where there are werewolves but they can only change into wolves during the winter. The first book is Shiver. Great great book
- The whole close up of Stephenie Meyer
- Why Bella was wearing tennis shoes when she was talking to Jacob
- why the whole birth scene was so dramatic
Well this is my review. Its all mine. Although a little was swayed by Sidney.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to vote. I wanted to get the little sticker that said I voted. So finally when I turned 18 I finally was able to register to vote and that's what I did. I registered back in July (so on my half birthday) and then I was able to vote for my towns election they were having.
I think one thing to remember when voting is to figure out who to vote for. Because most Americans just vote willy nilly and don't do their research. So for family night last Monday my mom, step dad, and I did our research and figured out who we wanted to vote for and who would be best for our town.
Now unfortunately our town didn't do stickers this year so my mom made me one. So next election be sure to vote! We need to vote because it's our civic duty as an American Citizen
I think one thing to remember when voting is to figure out who to vote for. Because most Americans just vote willy nilly and don't do their research. So for family night last Monday my mom, step dad, and I did our research and figured out who we wanted to vote for and who would be best for our town.
Now unfortunately our town didn't do stickers this year so my mom made me one. So next election be sure to vote! We need to vote because it's our civic duty as an American Citizen
The Name Game
I have an issue, the issue is called: GET MY NAME RIGHT! Especially if its on a social network site such as Facebook. I mean how hard is it to not put an e on the end of my name?
Okay look at this link, its a link to Brian Regan's thing about names. It totally applies. Now the part I want you to watch isn't till the every end. But its great hes a funny guy.
I have decided that I have the worse name. Both of my names are hard. I have to teach EVERY one how to say BOTH of my names. So this doesn't really work out much. Hopefully I'm lucky like my sister and get married to someone with a last name that's easier.
Okay look at this link, its a link to Brian Regan's thing about names. It totally applies. Now the part I want you to watch isn't till the every end. But its great hes a funny guy.
I have decided that I have the worse name. Both of my names are hard. I have to teach EVERY one how to say BOTH of my names. So this doesn't really work out much. Hopefully I'm lucky like my sister and get married to someone with a last name that's easier.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Freaked Out!!!
I have bad anxiety, its gotten worse since I was in a car accident in May (which was almost 6 months ago! Crazy!). So one day in October I came home and my mom told me I had a letter! I was so excited and I asked where it was she told me the chair in the dining room where I sit.
I walked over to my chair and just saw this:
(please don't mind the fact that my phone is focusing on my awesome sock)

(please don't mind the fact that my phone is focusing on my awesome sock)
That freaked me out. I don't know what I had go through my head but it was a lot. I was afraid I had done something wrong and the first presidency had need to send me a letter about it, they wanted to send me on a mission early. Like 3 years early (almost two !!!!!) but luckily it was only a letter from my friend Elder Holt. Thank goodness. Yeah I know I probably should go get my anxiety checked into. I will I will promise CALM DOWN!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I got another letter!
So this week hasn't been all that good, I kept having the feeling something was wrong with someone and I didn't know who it was.
I was sitting with my parents in the living room I had my laptop on and I was playing around on Pinterest and Facebook and stuff and then I had this sick feeling someone I knew was hurt or something was wrong and I didn't know what happened. I told my mom about it and she told me to text my siblings about it and ask them if they were okay. Tedi texted back and said they were fine so I texted David and of course he didn't answer but I figured if something was wrong with them I would have heard something. I decided that it had to do with one of the missionaries I'm writing.
I got a letter this week and it wasn't from Ryan which I thought was weird because I just sent him a package and I thought it would get there before P-day, oh well...but anyways I got a letter from one of the other missionaries I'm writing.
His name is Elder Holt and I got his address from the group I'm on on Facebook. The best part of the letter was that he sent a picture! It was awesome and I showed it to my mom and she said he looks like Logan, my brother in laws brother, and a little bit like Chase, my brother in law which I thought was funny. But his letter scared me, he had a scary experience this past week and so I think that's where my bad feeling came from, he's okay obviously but it still was scary. Anyways this is really random but I just needed to tell someone about it and what better place than my blog!
I was sitting with my parents in the living room I had my laptop on and I was playing around on Pinterest and Facebook and stuff and then I had this sick feeling someone I knew was hurt or something was wrong and I didn't know what happened. I told my mom about it and she told me to text my siblings about it and ask them if they were okay. Tedi texted back and said they were fine so I texted David and of course he didn't answer but I figured if something was wrong with them I would have heard something. I decided that it had to do with one of the missionaries I'm writing.
I got a letter this week and it wasn't from Ryan which I thought was weird because I just sent him a package and I thought it would get there before P-day, oh well...but anyways I got a letter from one of the other missionaries I'm writing.
His name is Elder Holt and I got his address from the group I'm on on Facebook. The best part of the letter was that he sent a picture! It was awesome and I showed it to my mom and she said he looks like Logan, my brother in laws brother, and a little bit like Chase, my brother in law which I thought was funny. But his letter scared me, he had a scary experience this past week and so I think that's where my bad feeling came from, he's okay obviously but it still was scary. Anyways this is really random but I just needed to tell someone about it and what better place than my blog!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Getting a Wish Granted
Sorry most of my posts have been about Ryan lately but then again that's my life right now. I've been having some doubts about whether me and Ryan would actually work out if/when he comes home. And I've been praying about it a lot lately and when I got a letter today and Ryan feels the EXACT same way, I'm SO glad. So I've decided to just be friends with him, what we've always been but then I figured out that we will only be friends, and i'm totally okay with that. I'll keep everyone updated though!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
High School Again
I feel like I'm back in high school. There is so much drama going on that it doesn't even feel real. First Ryan writes me on a day that's not P-day and apparently his Mission Pres has a rule that they can't write unless its P-day so that's awesome. He broke a rule. So i've been stressed out about that, and school(because I"m a freshman its hard being in college) and finally the straw that broke the camels back was that my so called best friend doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.
Awesome right? Its like the drama I never had in high school. Yeah that's right I never had drama in high school. I tried to keep myself out of it because I knew from my sisters experience that having drama in high school is hell. So I've tried my best to keep out of it. I don't want it and I don't try to create it. It comes to me. My so called best friend texted me yesterday saying that "You're dragging me down" "And until you learn to be happy and listen to me I need a break." Say what? I always thought that our friendship was one that if we had a problem we could talk it out. Apparently not. But I was talking to my other friend and she was saying that it's all this one girls fault. That this one girl has always had a problem with me and that I'm always depressed and I'm super self centered and its all about ME ME ME!
On this blog I can make it all about me, why? Because its my blog and I can talk about whatever I want. But anyways I always thought that our friendship was one that we could talk about it and I just feel like crap sometimes because she was listening to someone else to get advice from and an opinion of me.
Carolin out!
Ps. I'm SO happy and I feel like a weight I didn't even know was there has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Awesome right? Its like the drama I never had in high school. Yeah that's right I never had drama in high school. I tried to keep myself out of it because I knew from my sisters experience that having drama in high school is hell. So I've tried my best to keep out of it. I don't want it and I don't try to create it. It comes to me. My so called best friend texted me yesterday saying that "You're dragging me down" "And until you learn to be happy and listen to me I need a break." Say what? I always thought that our friendship was one that if we had a problem we could talk it out. Apparently not. But I was talking to my other friend and she was saying that it's all this one girls fault. That this one girl has always had a problem with me and that I'm always depressed and I'm super self centered and its all about ME ME ME!
On this blog I can make it all about me, why? Because its my blog and I can talk about whatever I want. But anyways I always thought that our friendship was one that we could talk about it and I just feel like crap sometimes because she was listening to someone else to get advice from and an opinion of me.
Carolin out!
Ps. I'm SO happy and I feel like a weight I didn't even know was there has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weird Boy
So remember how a couple of posts ago I said I got Dear Jane'd? Well apparently I didn't......right that totally makes sense(not). Well I got two letters from him this week and kind of explained everything. But I was pretty sure I was Dear Jane'd. I had Sidney even read my letter and she thought I got Dear Jane'd too.
Apparently I didn't. So I'm still officially in the waiting game, oh wait no I'm not because he dropped another bomb on me in my last two letters, that he's coming home. He's only been out 2 months, almost 3. Great right? Not really. I told him in two letters that I don't want him home unless its for medical reasons.
Sidney has said that he wants to do everything that isn't what I'm expecting. First he told me he was going on a mission. Next he told he loves me. Third he told me he loves another girl and what I thought was Dear Janeing me. And now Fourth is that he told me he's coming home. Sidney said that last he'll come home and tell me he's marrying someone who's not me.
So he's a weird boy and I just need to figure it out. He's pissing me off. But that's all for now. I'll let you know what's the next crazy thing he's told me.
Apparently I didn't. So I'm still officially in the waiting game, oh wait no I'm not because he dropped another bomb on me in my last two letters, that he's coming home. He's only been out 2 months, almost 3. Great right? Not really. I told him in two letters that I don't want him home unless its for medical reasons.
Sidney has said that he wants to do everything that isn't what I'm expecting. First he told me he was going on a mission. Next he told he loves me. Third he told me he loves another girl and what I thought was Dear Janeing me. And now Fourth is that he told me he's coming home. Sidney said that last he'll come home and tell me he's marrying someone who's not me.
So he's a weird boy and I just need to figure it out. He's pissing me off. But that's all for now. I'll let you know what's the next crazy thing he's told me.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Random Pictures from My Phone

As soon as I took these pictures my phone died. Go figure right? But I'm happy I was able to take these pictures and have it help lift my day up.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Eights
8 fav. TV shows:
1. The Office
2. Four Weddings
3. Project Runway
4. Say Yes to the Dress
5. Bones
6. Teen Mom
7. Gilmore Girls
8. Medium
8 places I love to eat: (not in any kind of order)
1. Chipotle
2. Zupas
3. Noodles
4. Sonic
5. Subway
6. Panera Bread - but utah does NOT have one! grrr it's my favorite.
7. Olive Garden
8. Costa Vida
8 things I did today:
1. Woke up
2. Painted a board for my closest
3. Texted Tedi
4. Blogged
5. Showered twice
6. Read blogs
7. Watched Say Yes to the Dress
8. Drank a Dr. Pepper
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. December (the semester will be over)
2. Thanksgiving!
3. Go to the Temple
4. Having money
5. To be in my bed- sleeping...
6. Getting good grades in school
7. Christmas
8. To be finished with math
8 Things I love about FALL:
1. Jumping in a pile of leaves.
2. Thanksgiving
3. The color of the leaves changing
4. Being with Family
5. Carving pumpkins
6. Hot Chocolate from Starbucks
7. Covering up more
8. Knowing I'll almost be finished with 2011 soon
8 Things I WISH for:
1. To start dating
2. Having more money
3. To be happy with my life
4. To know that I'm doing good in school
5. To be okay with my body
6. Being more creative
7. Have school all paid for
8. To be able to get married in the temple to the love of my life
1. The Office
2. Four Weddings
3. Project Runway
4. Say Yes to the Dress
5. Bones
6. Teen Mom
7. Gilmore Girls
8. Medium
8 places I love to eat: (not in any kind of order)
1. Chipotle
2. Zupas
3. Noodles
4. Sonic
5. Subway
6. Panera Bread - but utah does NOT have one! grrr it's my favorite.
7. Olive Garden
8. Costa Vida
8 things I did today:
1. Woke up
2. Painted a board for my closest
3. Texted Tedi
4. Blogged
5. Showered twice
6. Read blogs
7. Watched Say Yes to the Dress
8. Drank a Dr. Pepper
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. December (the semester will be over)
2. Thanksgiving!
3. Go to the Temple
4. Having money
5. To be in my bed- sleeping...
6. Getting good grades in school
7. Christmas
8. To be finished with math
8 Things I love about FALL:
1. Jumping in a pile of leaves.
2. Thanksgiving
3. The color of the leaves changing
4. Being with Family
5. Carving pumpkins
6. Hot Chocolate from Starbucks
7. Covering up more
8. Knowing I'll almost be finished with 2011 soon
8 Things I WISH for:
1. To start dating
2. Having more money
3. To be happy with my life
4. To know that I'm doing good in school
5. To be okay with my body
6. Being more creative
7. Have school all paid for
8. To be able to get married in the temple to the love of my life
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Going to Concerts
Going to concerts has always been my thing. I love buying the tickets and anticipating the concert and I love going and hearing really good loud music. So when my friend Angela and I were talking about going to the Anberlin I got really excited. Tuesday Angela started talking about going to go get the tickets I wanted to go and get tickets because I really wanted to go. So we got our tickets and its in a couple of weeks and I'm SO EXCITED!!!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Staring.....and Rolling Backpacks
In high school no one would stare at me. I don't know if this is weird but I was used to having no one stare at me. Then I started college and EVERY one stares at me. I'm not lying! Its so weird and creepy. I keep thinking do I look okay? Is my hair crazy? Do my bangs look that bad? And I don't know why it is. If anyone has any experience with that I would appreciate some advice.
What's up with all of the rolling backpacks at college? I mean I can understand why a few people have them because they are older and they probably can't have that much weight on their backs but some of these people are my age! I think that they're weird and I don't like them at all. I would like to have a protest to ban rolling backpacks haha. Just saying.
What's up with all of the rolling backpacks at college? I mean I can understand why a few people have them because they are older and they probably can't have that much weight on their backs but some of these people are my age! I think that they're weird and I don't like them at all. I would like to have a protest to ban rolling backpacks haha. Just saying.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Creeper Story

Him: Hi how are you?
Me: Good
Him: That's good you look really nice today
Me: Thanks
Him: Your welcome. So do you live around here?
Me:Yeah I live here.
Him: That's nice, you look really nice today
(At this point I'm getting pretty creeped out because he's the age of my parents and I wanted to get out of there fast. Also my car was almost finished getting filled up)
Me: Thanks
Him: So is there a number I can call so we can go out?
Me: Um I'm only 18
Him: That's still enough to go out.
Me:(while I'm walking away) I have a boyfriend.
That was the creepest moment of my life. And I talked to my parents and asked them if it was okay if I lied then and they said yes that it was okay that I lied. Right there is one of the reasons I hate filling up my car. Because of the creepers.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Whats happening.....
I know everyone is dying to know (cuz I have SO many readers) but I've kind of stopped waiting for Ryan. I know that just a couple of weeks ago I was head over heels and so happy waiting but my last letter helped me make my decision.
From the very beginning I felt like everything was too good to be true. He wanted to date me when he got home badly. He was so nice and it seemed too good to be true and it was. He basically was playing me from the very start. He has another girl waiting and he basically told me in his last letter that I shouldn't wait anymore, that he wasn't going to date me really. That I should take any opportunity to wait and marry and hopefully it'll be before he gets home so he doesn't have to deal with me when he gets home.
To say I was upset was an understatement. I was so upset and mad at sad and I cried and it was just crazy. There should be a statement that says you shouldn't write missionaries when your pissed as heck cuz that's what I was. It just upset me so much that he had played me the entire time and I really couldn't do anything about it.
From the very beginning I felt like everything was too good to be true. He wanted to date me when he got home badly. He was so nice and it seemed too good to be true and it was. He basically was playing me from the very start. He has another girl waiting and he basically told me in his last letter that I shouldn't wait anymore, that he wasn't going to date me really. That I should take any opportunity to wait and marry and hopefully it'll be before he gets home so he doesn't have to deal with me when he gets home.
To say I was upset was an understatement. I was so upset and mad at sad and I cried and it was just crazy. There should be a statement that says you shouldn't write missionaries when your pissed as heck cuz that's what I was. It just upset me so much that he had played me the entire time and I really couldn't do anything about it.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I feel as though something is wrong with me. I'm in college right? These are supposed to be the best years of my life and it doesn't feel like it. I talk to all my friends who are in college with me and even people who go to school with me and I feel as though I haven't met as many people as everyone else has. I mean I talk in most of my classes but its not as though I see any of the people in my classes outside of class because I live 20 minutes away from school because I life with my parents. I know that it'd be different if i was living with roommates but even Sidney is meeting people. So what's wrong with me? I guess I'm more of an introvert than I thought. If anyone has any advice PLEASE let me know what to do.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Because you know what? Waiting sucks

(found this on pinterest)
I know most people have heard this story from me but I think it's a great story. Anyways I've been writing my friend Ryan since July when I found out he was on his mission that same month.
Here's some back story I met Ryan when I was a junior in high school and he was a senior we were in seminary class together and since in that class we never changed seats I never got a chance to sit by him. But I never payed any attention to him that much, except when he went up to give the devotional. I loved the scriptures he gave they were super spiritual and inspirational.
Here's some back story I met Ryan when I was a junior in high school and he was a senior we were in seminary class together and since in that class we never changed seats I never got a chance to sit by him. But I never payed any attention to him that much, except when he went up to give the devotional. I loved the scriptures he gave they were super spiritual and inspirational.
After that we talked almost every single day via texting, and we went on a date one night because my friends told me I needed to find a date. And then we saw each other one other time he came to see me one time at lunch when he wasn't working or had school. That was the last time I saw him.
Well one day during the summer I was on facebook and I was trying to look at my messages but the top button wasn't working so I clicked the one on the side. I noticed I had some other messages which I thought was weird so I looked at it and I noticed I had a message from Ryan Parry. I read it and I was so upset I cried for like an hour because I wanted so badly to be able to talk to him again. He reported to the MTC July 13th and I read it the 18th.
I did what the picture said I found a way. I was able to get on a website and I wrote him a letter in the hopes he'd want to write me. We've been writing ever since. I know this is going to sound crazy but I've never been happier than when he writes me or I write him.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Movie Review: Defending Your Life
Here is the synopsis: After Daniel Miller crashes his BMW convertible into a bus, he's transported to "Judgement City," where he meets the love of his life, Julia. Unfortunately, Daniel needs to defend his life on Earth before he can ascend to heaven with Julia. He frantically attempts to explain the positive things he's accomplished, but soon realized that Julia may be too good for him.
I really liked this movie, I kind of got it on a whim because I saw it on Netflix with movies you might like. So I put it in the queue and it came yesterday and I finally watched it after waiting months. It was interesting to see some peoples perspective on what happens after we're dead.
Like it says in the synopsis Daniel has to defend his life. He's in a court room with his defender and there's a prosecutor and two judges. The judges decide if you should go back to earth and try to not be so fearful or if you can move on and go to heaven. While his trial is going on he meets this woman named Julia and they fall in love.
I would give this move a four out of five stars. Only because some parts were a little boring and I wanted to see more of his past. But overall it was a good movie and I was happy with the ending.
Funny thing is that in the movie Julia is played by Meryl Streep and then 18 years later she plays another Julia as Julia Child in Julie and Julia. Anyways happy watching.
PS I start school tomorrow! Scary Scary!
I really liked this movie, I kind of got it on a whim because I saw it on Netflix with movies you might like. So I put it in the queue and it came yesterday and I finally watched it after waiting months. It was interesting to see some peoples perspective on what happens after we're dead.
Like it says in the synopsis Daniel has to defend his life. He's in a court room with his defender and there's a prosecutor and two judges. The judges decide if you should go back to earth and try to not be so fearful or if you can move on and go to heaven. While his trial is going on he meets this woman named Julia and they fall in love.
I would give this move a four out of five stars. Only because some parts were a little boring and I wanted to see more of his past. But overall it was a good movie and I was happy with the ending.
Funny thing is that in the movie Julia is played by Meryl Streep and then 18 years later she plays another Julia as Julia Child in Julie and Julia. Anyways happy watching.
PS I start school tomorrow! Scary Scary!
I found myself in a pickle
Today is Sunday so I did the normal thing of showering before. And earlier today I decided I would wear one of two new skirts I picked up at a clothing swap that was held by my parents stake. So after I showered I tried on the skirts and realized that they were basically maxi skirts.
I ended up wearing one that was a maxi skirt and as we got to church I wondered "why did I shave my 'secret garden(aka my legs)' if I was just going to cover them up?" Something I will never know. But I found out that I love wearing maxi skirts because they keep my legs warm in the very cold church.
That's how I found myself in a pickle wondering why I shaved my legs when all I was going to do was cover them up with a maxi skirt.
I ended up wearing one that was a maxi skirt and as we got to church I wondered "why did I shave my 'secret garden(aka my legs)' if I was just going to cover them up?" Something I will never know. But I found out that I love wearing maxi skirts because they keep my legs warm in the very cold church.
That's how I found myself in a pickle wondering why I shaved my legs when all I was going to do was cover them up with a maxi skirt.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
St George Trip

My gross nectarine with yogurt on it.
I got home from girls camp on Friday and I was texting Sidney on Saturday and she was talking about how she was driving down to St. George with her dad's girlfriend to get a car her dad was giving her. I totally jokingly said "oh hey can I come with?" and she said "let me ask my dad."
I ended up being able to go obviously because I'm blogging about it. So Sidney and I left around 2 or 3 from her house and we got to St. George about 6. Ate dinner and went to sleep. The next day we wanted to leave around 1 or 2 and we ended up not leaving until like 4! It was horrible, I felt like I was being held hostage. Oh funny story we were running some errands in Hurricane (pronounced Hurrican) and the car stopped working, now her dad had said it stopped working sometimes and I was worried about it but I didn't think it'd actually happen! So we were right by a gas station and so we just pushed the car to the gas station which was something I've kind of always wanted to do so I got to check it off of my list. But two super nice people came and helped us. Only because Sidney and I are SO attractive haha.
After we left I drove the whole way first of all Sidney is scared of driving on the highway and secondly I'm always hesitant to let someone else drive, I've been that way ever since my accident. So I just drove, we made a few stops along the way, like at some desert town in the middle of nowhere, and a stop in Beaver for drinks and pain meds.
Before we left Sidney's dad's girlfriend Sandy gave us money and told us to get gas half way there. So we stopped in Fillmore (this is the story about the receipt with the boy's name on it. It has a number on it, but I decided the whole Internet didn't need it.) Sidney suggested we go to Maverick so we did, and I've never really done the whole prepay gas thing so we went inside and were going to ask and stuff. We walked inside and to our right was a woman and she had two people in front of her and a guy who only had a guy in front of him, so I decided to go to the guy (who knows what would have happened had I gone to the woman) and we were talking to him and he was flirting with us and we were flirting with him. Now he says that had we left right after we'd gotten our gas we wouldn't have his number so thank my lucky stars I was hungry.
We got our gas and as soon as he saw us come in he hurried and checked us out. And then he said well have a nice day, and I said oh we're not leaving yet we still have to get food. So he said okay well then have a nice time getting food and I said we will.
Sidney and I walked a couple of aisles made sure no one could see us and started laughing, haha it was a great moment. So we started looking for food and Sidney left it to me because she had to go to the bathroom. so i tried looking but I couldn't decide. and Ethan(that's the cute guy) walked by and he waved and I kind of awkwardly waved back. After Sidney got out of the bathroom we got our food and were checking out Ethan gave us our change and our receipt and he said have a good day and we walked out.
I totally saw that he gave us his number but I acted cool but once we were outside I said Sidney and she said yeah and I said ...He gave us his number!!!... so we started jumping around forgetting that all of the front wall was glass and he could see us. So we were like lets leave but we laughed for MILES and after a few miles Sidney (because she wasn't driving texted him) and the rest is history( haha I absolutely hate that saying).
All in all our trip to St. George was AWESOME!
I ended up being able to go obviously because I'm blogging about it. So Sidney and I left around 2 or 3 from her house and we got to St. George about 6. Ate dinner and went to sleep. The next day we wanted to leave around 1 or 2 and we ended up not leaving until like 4! It was horrible, I felt like I was being held hostage. Oh funny story we were running some errands in Hurricane (pronounced Hurrican) and the car stopped working, now her dad had said it stopped working sometimes and I was worried about it but I didn't think it'd actually happen! So we were right by a gas station and so we just pushed the car to the gas station which was something I've kind of always wanted to do so I got to check it off of my list. But two super nice people came and helped us. Only because Sidney and I are SO attractive haha.
After we left I drove the whole way first of all Sidney is scared of driving on the highway and secondly I'm always hesitant to let someone else drive, I've been that way ever since my accident. So I just drove, we made a few stops along the way, like at some desert town in the middle of nowhere, and a stop in Beaver for drinks and pain meds.
Before we left Sidney's dad's girlfriend Sandy gave us money and told us to get gas half way there. So we stopped in Fillmore (this is the story about the receipt with the boy's name on it. It has a number on it, but I decided the whole Internet didn't need it.) Sidney suggested we go to Maverick so we did, and I've never really done the whole prepay gas thing so we went inside and were going to ask and stuff. We walked inside and to our right was a woman and she had two people in front of her and a guy who only had a guy in front of him, so I decided to go to the guy (who knows what would have happened had I gone to the woman) and we were talking to him and he was flirting with us and we were flirting with him. Now he says that had we left right after we'd gotten our gas we wouldn't have his number so thank my lucky stars I was hungry.
We got our gas and as soon as he saw us come in he hurried and checked us out. And then he said well have a nice day, and I said oh we're not leaving yet we still have to get food. So he said okay well then have a nice time getting food and I said we will.
Sidney and I walked a couple of aisles made sure no one could see us and started laughing, haha it was a great moment. So we started looking for food and Sidney left it to me because she had to go to the bathroom. so i tried looking but I couldn't decide. and Ethan(that's the cute guy) walked by and he waved and I kind of awkwardly waved back. After Sidney got out of the bathroom we got our food and were checking out Ethan gave us our change and our receipt and he said have a good day and we walked out.
I totally saw that he gave us his number but I acted cool but once we were outside I said Sidney and she said yeah and I said ...He gave us his number!!!... so we started jumping around forgetting that all of the front wall was glass and he could see us. So we were like lets leave but we laughed for MILES and after a few miles Sidney (because she wasn't driving texted him) and the rest is history( haha I absolutely hate that saying).
All in all our trip to St. George was AWESOME!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Preference 2011 ( Epic failness)

This picture right above is the most epic fail. Apparently I went to Preference when I was 8 years old. Yeah it doesn't say April 1st 2011 it says April 1st 2001, yeah that's an epic fail right there.

For our date we ate at our friend Monica's house and we had a great meal and then we went to the Art Museum for the dance, which was packed and it was a lot of fun. Then we went to Sidney's house and put frosting on cookies and played Mafia before we took everyone home.
It was a great date and I had a LOT of fun and I'm glad I went.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Hike to the Y

The next day though I was dead and I couldn't go to church. It was a really hard hike because it was all switch backs and it was ALL uphill and on the way down it was all DOWN hill so all of us basically ran the whole way down because it was easier.
All in all it was a great day and I'm glad I did it so I can check it off of my bucket list.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Planet of the Dead

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Twelve Again

After we got our presents from the dollar store I thought we were going to go back to the Church and play some games. But instead we went to this great Hawaiian Shaved Ice place in Spanish Fork. Because one of the leaders that was with us suggested that ice cream was really good I decided to get ice cream in the bottom of it. It was really good. I got the Hawaiian Surprise Special which was really good and I really liked the ice cream in the bottom. I'll be sure to go there again, because it was super good.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Doctor Who-The Silence
In Doctor Who there is this Alien called The Silence. They're one of the scariest aliens because you remember that you've seen them before but after you turn away you can't remember them. Its the scariest thing. So I was on Etsy the other day and I was looking up Doctor Who things (because I'm so super obsessed) and I saw this card and I LOVE it

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2

Now I'm not going to give any spoilers away but I'm just going to talk about what happened when I went to see the movie.
My best friend Sidney was going to go with our two friends Sara and Monica to a showing the Friday it came out but Sidney decided she would rather go with her family so she gave me her ticket. So we made the plans and I decided that since it would have been out less than 24 hours we should go early so we could get at least a descent seat together, we got there around 730 am and there was no one, and the movie theater wasn't even open yet, so we decided to sit in my car and just hang out until some more people started showing up.

There was one lady in front of us and closer to the time that the doors opened that one woman turned into 10 people. It was so annoying, so we went into the theater and we were sitting there waiting for the previews to start and this little 7, or 8 year old boy behind me was kicking my chair and it was just so annoying, so I told Sara that I would deal with it until the previews start, but it just got to the point that I was annoyed at it, so I turned around and asked him nicely to stop kicking my chair, but then through the whole movie like every 20 minutes or so the little boy would kick it just once.
Overall I thought the movie was AMAZING, I cried I totally freely admit that I cried because one of the parts is totally sad, but I did not cry like a baby just FYI. I was a little upset that they didn't add a couple of parts in it that I really wanted to be in there, but there was one part I was SO happy was in there because it was great.
That's all I have to say about Harry Potter
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Better Late Than Never Right? GRADUATION!

Yep that's right I graduated from high school! Although I was upset I had to wear my stupid foot boot which I got during Finding Hardwick, which is another post for another day, but I was still happy nonetheless that I got to graduate.

I got a whole new outfit and I didn't even pay that much for it because I bought it at Savers! It was awesome. So we had the graduation ceremony and I had told my parents to meet me on the floor where the graduates sat so that we could take pictures with my cap and gown on and then I could give my gown back and get my actual diploma, but as soon as the ceremony was over they said all the graduates should get off of the floor and I was starving so I think that had something to do with it haha but I left the floor and gave my gown back. So after I did that I found my dad and David and then we found Tedi and Chase, and boy was Tedi upset I didn't have my gown on anymore. she was like you need to go and get your gown back. I was scared to ask the guy but I did what I was told and got a gown to take pictures in outside.
After we were through getting pictures taken I went and gave the second gown back. and then I took some pictures with my friends Tyler, Sidney, and Annie. I heard about this afterwards but Chase my BIL was taking pictures of us with his camera and Tyler was standing next to Sidney and he said "Who's that guy in the white shirt?" And Sidney said " I don't know, just some guy." So they thought some creeper was taking pictures of us! When in fact it was my BIL.
When we were done at the Events Center we got dinner at PF Changs and I was STARVING. I had hardly eaten anything that day because I had to go shopping with my mom for my jewelery to go with outfit. Though I don't remember but I"m pretty sure I didn't have lunch that day, but maybe I did, I can't remember. So after PF Changs I went home got my rental car and then drove over to my moms to get changed and then I went to the ALL NIGHT PARTY!
So that was my experience with high school graduation! Yeah I'm done!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Remembering your states and capitals
visited 19 states (38%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
I found this on this blog and I decided to create my own map. I decided that i was only going to select states that I remember going too. Because I know for a fact I've been to a lot, seeing as when I was maybe four my dad DROVE us to South Carolina from UTAH! Yeah but I don't remember that so it doesn't count. Also my mom drove us from Utah to Maryland when I was 11? But again I don't remember much so doesn't count, so I'm counting all the times I remember going through the state.
Maybe y'all should create your own so i can see it! Just a thought.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Scariest Day of My Life
RIP Betsy DeArmon. Died on the 18th of May 2011

It was a day just like any other. I didn't have a fourth period and so after Seminary I was on my way home, I took Sidney home and I was just driving home. In Springville there aren't any stop signs on Center street except for a few places so I drove straight through like I usually do because there weren't any stop signs around. I was listening to All American Rejects and I saw something red from the corner of my eye and then I blacked out and I had gotten hit!
I got in a car accident and what did I first think of? Well after I stopped in someones yard I saw my phone made sure it was still working I looked down at the passenger seat floor and I hoped my sunglasses weren't broken. (What? I bought them at walmart and they're my favorite)
After a second of irrational thinking I got out of my car, don't know why, and freaked out, i could NOT stop crying. I just kept crying and crying and crying and my chest hurt really bad because of my seat belt. I kept sitting in my car and getting up and everything just kept going in circles and I kept hoping that it was a dream and I really didn't kill my car.(well an old lady did)
Funny story about this the police and firemen and paramedics were there and were asking me if I'd called anyone and I said I hadn't so they told me I should. I told them my parents were both at work and that my mom was in Provo and my dad was in Ogden so they told me i should probably call my mom, so I did and it kept ringing and ringing and ringing and it finally went to voicemail. Yeah I got in a car accident and my mom didn't answer her phone!! It was funny afterwords but at the time I was freaking out. So I called my dad and he told me he would call my mom and have her come and get me.
I got some injuries from my car accident, I have brusies where the seatbelt was. I have one on each hip, one on each of my knees, and one on my NON broken foot. So that was the scariest day of my life, right now we're in the process of getting all the insurance worked out and trying to get me a new car!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Fruity Pebble Doughnut AKA The Thing That Made My Life
You see how great this thing looks? Well we were watching a movie on President Monson in Seminary and Brother Wetzel said that half way through the movie we would get doughnuts. Well half way through class we got up and were looking and picking our doughnuts and I noticed one that looked really interesting it was one that had fruity pebbles on it. I was talking a lot about it and Sidney finally said "oh just eat it" so I did I was eating it and it was so different. Sidney said she wanted a bite so i gave it to her. Then the thing that made my entire night was the fact that Bro. Wetzel asked if I was a germ-a-phob and I said no and then he asked if he could have a bite and i said yes and HE TOOK A BITE! That was the highlight of my life so far, yes this is before I got in my accident in case anyone wanted to know.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Graduation is finally coming upon us! I graduate in a month! It is insane to think next month so like 30 days and a couple of hours i will have graduated from high school and I wont be a "minor" anymore.
Today in church our bishop gave us seniors something for institute and he talked about us going to a meeting for the singles ward next week. I was thinking "Woah woah woah I'm not a young single adult!" Then I realized that I was wrong and that I am a young single adult and I could be going to a singles ward in the next couple of months. Thats insane!
Sorry no pictures this post, I need to get better at documenting things. I promise I will post about Sweetheart Royalty, and my two California trips soon!
Today in church our bishop gave us seniors something for institute and he talked about us going to a meeting for the singles ward next week. I was thinking "Woah woah woah I'm not a young single adult!" Then I realized that I was wrong and that I am a young single adult and I could be going to a singles ward in the next couple of months. Thats insane!
Sorry no pictures this post, I need to get better at documenting things. I promise I will post about Sweetheart Royalty, and my two California trips soon!
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Weeping Angels (Blink)

The alien in this episode was a "stone angel" or a "weeping angel"
The Weeping angel is the scariest kind of alien because they don't just kill you and take your energy. They send you to a different time and let you live to death. The reason they have they're eyes covered is not because they're weeping its because they are afraid of seeing another angel. Because if they see another angel they will really be stone. They aren't really stone to begin with but they can only move if someone ISN'T looking at them.
Well in this episode Sally Sparrow "meets" the angels at this old house, and her best friend gets sent to the 1920's. And it seems that every time Sally talks to someone about the angels that person gets sent back in time.
If I could I would want to make it so I had never seen the episode so it could feel like I was watching it for the first time again because its one of the better episodes. BUT if your going to watch Doctor Who PLEASE don't watch that episode first. Watch the first episode because Blink is kind of a creepy episode and I believe in watching every episode from the beginning to now.

Monday, January 17, 2011
The Doctor

So one Friday, I think, in the middle of november, or was it october? I can't remember but I went over to Sidney's house and Annie was there, we were watching some hilarious shows like Jim Gaffigan, and Shaun the Sheep and such. Annie then suggested we watch the first episode of the new Doctor Who, I knew we had it on our instant netflix cue at home but I hadn't ever watched it.
That one night has changed my life, I am in LOVE with the doctor, well more importantly David Tennant. I know y'all are wondering who he is. Well if you have ever seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, you've seen him, he plays Barty Crouch Jr. in the movie. (Just as an FYI in the first season it is not David Tennant) so I watched the first season of it and I loved it, but I was a little apprehensive about having a new doctor in the second one, i mean it was Barty Crouch Jr. the guy who stuck his tongue out the whole move. Well was I sorely confused. I love him, a lot, he is one of the best actors and I love that he fulfilled his life long dream of wanting to play Doctor Who.
Anyways that's all.
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