Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Preference 2011 ( Epic failness)

This picture right above is the most epic fail. Apparently I went to Preference when I was 8 years old. Yeah it doesn't say April 1st 2011 it says April 1st 2001, yeah that's an epic fail right there.
I went to Preference with my friend Scott. The way I asked him was I got a shirt and wrote Preference? in permanent marker and my name but all the other ones were in washable marker, and Sidney and I put girls he knew names on the shirt and also some boys haha but we also put some horrible girls names on there. Which I thought were amazing.

For our date we ate at our friend Monica's house and we had a great meal and then we went to the Art Museum for the dance, which was packed and it was a lot of fun. Then we went to Sidney's house and put frosting on cookies and played Mafia before we took everyone home.

It was a great date and I had a LOT of fun and I'm glad I went.

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