Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday August 23rd

I realized that I haven't written a blog in a while and I remembered I haven't written about hanging out with Kadee and seeing 'The Dark Knight'. So Kadee didn't have to work that day because she switched so we were texting around 11 and she was saying she was bored and didn't have anything to do so I asked my mom if she could come over and she said yes so I told Kadee to come on over and so she got there after she had to call me because she was lost. So we're hanging out in my room and we were like oober bored so we asked my mom if it was okay if we left and we could so we did. We got to the mall around maybe 12 and we were hungry so we had to decide and we couldn't figure out what so I said I wanted Panda Express so we got some. We ate and then I had to go shopping so we went around the mall. It was about 2 when we were done and so we decided to sit on one of the couches and were bored. We waited until 2:30 before we went into the theater. We totally forgot Kadee had her car so we could go out there and listen to music. So we got to the movie theater and I saw some of my friends and they didn't invite me to the movies with them. How mean. But we watched the movie but getting a drink at Panda was a bad idea i had to go to the bathroom SOOO bad so i like ran out of the theater and like booked it to the bathroom and hurried so i wouldn't miss anything. After the movie we were going to hang out with Kadee's friend Nicole but Nicole wasn't going to get there till 7 and i had to be home by seven so we went and hung out at Kadee's dad's house where i finally met her brother Cory. Kadee had told me before that Cory thought i was annoying so i told her dad that and I think i may have gotten him in trouble but Kadee and I played Call Of Duty 4 and so ya that was pretty much my day with Kadee lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie. Cute blog. :D So you haven't posted in like. FOREVER. lol tonight was so much freakin fun at the Senior Dinner. Oh baby. :D
love ya!