Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senior Dinner

So my friend Alli mentioned that i haven't written anything for awhile so I'm going to talk about the senior dinner we had for young womens tonight. So we had to be there at 5:30 so we could help set up and so i was putting table cloths on the table and then i was just hanging out till i had to do something else. Then Alli and I started to be OCD and make sure everything was perfect on the tables but just the silverware. Sometimes we had to fix EVERYthing because someone did it wrong and there were like two forks together. Thats not good, so we fixed it. After that we had to go into the primary room to practice singing and after that we wrote names on cards and our leaders came in and told us that this dinner wasn't about us it was about them and making sure they were comfortable. After we had written the names on cards Alli and I had to place them on the tables and we just "magically" happened to be on the same table. So we finished putting the cards on the table and then we sat down. And we waited and waited and waited some more and like no seniors sat down with us at all. It was sad. So Alli's dad asked us to go sit at another table so we sat down and were talking to the seniors that were sitting at the table we were out and then we got to eat! It was really good we got pasta and salad and really good bread and Alli and I and one of the ladies at our table got seconds and no one else at our table. After we were finished with that we helped pass out ice cream after we scooped and put cookies in them. Man were those cookies good. I need like a can of those things. But after we ate our ice cream at a different table i might add because one of the young men came late so Alli and I moved to Ang, Jared(But he left), Ely(I think thats how you spell her name), and someone from Young Mens. While we were eating the Young Men did a skit and it was really funny and then we sang a song and then we cleaned up and then Alli gave me her blog and then i went home