Saturday, September 24, 2011

Staring.....and Rolling Backpacks

In high school no one would stare at me. I don't know if this is weird but I was used to having no one stare at me. Then I started college and EVERY one stares at me. I'm not lying! Its so weird and creepy. I keep thinking do I look okay? Is my hair crazy? Do my bangs look that bad? And I don't know why it is. If anyone has any experience with that I would appreciate some advice.

What's up with all of the rolling backpacks at college? I mean I can understand why a few people have them because they are older and they probably can't have that much weight on their backs but some of these people are my age! I think that they're weird and I don't like them at all. I would like to have a protest to ban rolling backpacks haha. Just saying.

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